Progress Diary

Review Dates
Progress Diary
1)    Comprehension
My target is to become a better speller, bad spelling ruins being able to put a good sentence together.
Action Points
  1. To work on this I could become less dependent on spell correction and spell checks. Attempt to spell a word as best as possible. 
  2. If wrong on spell check learn where I went wrong. 
  3. Sound my words out whilst I attempt to spell a certain word.
6 Months
I have addressed the first and second action point. I do not use spell check on my phone anymore when I am texting. If I have difficulty with a word I try my best to spell it and if I can’t I use the predictive text mode on my phone. From this I can learn where I went wrong with the spelling. 

Before I do use predictive text I try my best to sound my words out and get the spelling without help. This is where I addressed the 3rd action point.

Over the year I have progressed on my spelling.  I try to sound out my words and always spell check any assignment before I submit them.  

I have read this book and it has given me tips on improving my written English.  I know I need a good standard of written English to complete my course.
2)    Good and fast in work.
I am good and fast when working in the kitchen, however I intend to improve to maintain that whilst under pressure as I tend to have a give up attitude when things get a chaotic in work.

Action Points
  1. Try to settle a bit more in work, chill but don’t slow down.
  2. Walk into work with a good head, not walk in angry or stressed.
  3. Go to work 5 minutes earlier.
6 Months
I have addressed the first point. I have learned to just keep my head down yet clear. Organise my time better in work and get tasks done faster. 


I have addressed my second action point by preparing myself better before work. If work has to be done, I try to organise my time get it out of the way straight away.


I have addressed my third action point and now come into work 5 or 10 minutes early. This gives me time to settle down, rather than rushing in and not settling.

Over the past few weeks I have read a book about time management - this has given me good tips on how to improve my time and get more out of my time.  Over the year - I have definitely improved on this.  Hopefully I will improve even more over time.
3) Improve Driving
I have come along well in my lessons however I get anxious and freak out when I make stupid mistakes.

Action Points
  1. Take my time driving and think about what I am doing.
  2. Wear my glasses.
  3. If a mistake is made. Get over it and leave it behind me.
6 Months
 The first action point I have completed, I have become more calm and more observant of my driving.  A friend advised me to look at a video on youtube about staying calm when driving and preparing for the test.  I find that useful.

The second action point I have completed. I now wear my glasses every time I am driving. I know why this is important and it a requirement.

The third point I found difficult to overcome however I have learned  if a mistake is made get over it, I'm paying £20 a lesson and I won’t allow it to go down the drain because of a silly mistake.   I try to use good, calm breathing techniques to stay calm.  I found the video below on youtube is helpful in staying calm.

Review Dates
1)   Not good financially
Target is to be better with money and not leave myself short at the end of the month.
Action Points
  1. Take my money a bit more seriously. Be wiser with it and don’t spend it on stupid things.
  2. Don’t spend it on things I want when running low, spend it on things I need. 
  3. Split the month’s wages into 4 sections (4weeks) to budget myself for each week. 
6 Months
I have addressed the first action point by rethinking do I need to buy this, I have learned not to buy small silly things such as phone covers and earrings. 


I have addressed my second action point. I have learned how to work with a low budget for a period of time when running low on money , I have learned to only use the money for essential items. 

I have addressed my third action point. I now use a tip I got off the internet. Take all my wage out of my bank account and split it into different envelopes. These different envelopes are weekly expenses, gym membership & protein and phone bill. 

I found two videos online and found they offered good tips.  My money management skills have improved.  I am alot more organized when working with my money.

2)   Time management
Target to arrive 5-10 minutes before an event.
Action Plan
  1. To be on time set the alarm in the mornings at 7; actually get up at 7. Then I have plenty of time to get sorted. 
  2. Use my Google calendar and task app on my phone. Get better nights sleep. If I have an appointment for 4:00 set the appointment on my calendar as 3:50. Ten minutes earlier will give me time to relax before the event; I also will not be in a rush. 
  3. Getting a good night sleep will help me to be able to get up in the mornings better, so I will try to go to bed earlier.
6 Months

I have addressed the first action point. I have started to set my alarm for school and work an hour and 10 minutes before the time I have to be there for, this way I have plenty of time to get ready.  This has really helped my time management as I am not always in a rush.


I have addressed my second action point. I now use a to do list on my phone to make sure I get everything done that needs to be done in that day. 

I have my calendar synched to my iPhone, so I get alerts of what I need to do.
Looking at my time management over the year it has definitely improved.  By getting more sleep at night, my mind is better and I am able to organise my time better.  Improving my time management has helped everything from work to college.

3)    Procrastinate and become stressed and disorganized
Target to be more organized and have a better and positive head, instead of stressed and unorganized.
Action Plan
  1. Get stuff done as soon as possible. Know that putting jobs/events off will make the job seem harder when it really isn’t.  
  2. Put things back as soon as I’m finished with them. Get done the important jobs first, then the less important. 
  3. Plan my day out. Try to go by the plan best as possible, something might come up, plan to do that another time soon, and get it done. 
6 Months

This is an action plan I addressed however did find it difficult and sometimes still do it without knowing. But I do now make sure I get all the important stuff done as soon as I can, the to do list app has been a great help.

I have addressed the second action. I have kept my room clean and it is so much less stressful. I now have rearranged my room to make sure I know where things go and it is easier to do so. I have also learned to get the important jobs done and less important jobs done last, in the to do app you can put them in order of priority. This is what I use. 


I have kept my room tidy and this makes it easier to work on assignments in my room.


I have completed my third action point. I now plan my day out the day before and try my best to go by that plan as best I can. 

Across my PDP I have noticed that my organisation skills impact on a lot of things.  I have tried to not procrastinate as much as this has helped all aspects of work, home and college.  I have improve on this weakness, and I will try to continue to improve, as I know I will need to be well organised for second year.

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